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Leadership: Pivoting to Progress

Teachers are often drawn to education in hopes of exercising their creative freedom to make a difference in children’s lives...

Solution Tree

Spotlight! These Authors Give Educators a Choice in Learning

Ever wonder what sparks a writer’s creativity—or what goes on in the mind of an author as they craft strategies and practical tools educators can use in the classroom...

Education Week

Wellness Can’t Be Just Another Task for Teachers to Do

As we settle into the third school year that has been impacted by the pandemic, my social-media feed has been dominated by books, articles, webinars, and smartphone apps offering the promise of “educator wellness"...

Solution Tree

Relationships: First and Always

In the spring of 2020, I published my very first book, I’m Listening: How Teacher-Student Relationships Improve Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening in which I poured everything I knew about teaching and learning. And Then, The Pandemic...


4 Lessons I Learned From Being Discovered by a Book Publisher

I never expected that I'd be publishing a book let alone offering anyone writing tips...

Educational Leadership

Avoiding the Siren Calls

In Homer's epic poem The Odyssey, the Sirens were dangerous creatures who tempted travelers with their captivating song, leading them astray and dangerously off-course...

The Learning Network

Reader Idea: Helping Students Discover and Write About the Issues That Matter to Them

When students write for an authentic audience about issues that matter to them, by extension they suddenly care about sophisticated rhetorical moves, carefully selecting their words, and crafting strong rebuttals...

Education Week

Listening Is a Teacher’s Most Powerful Tool

One of our most powerful strategies as teachers is to listen to our students, to learn who they are, and to find out what sparks their curiosity...


How White Educators Can Approach Antiracist Work

Although we may not feel adequately trained to become antiracist educators, for me, remaining silent isn’t an option...


The Power of Sharing Your Story With Students

My ninth graders write about failing math tests, getting cut from the soccer team, and auditioning for the lead in the musical only to be cast in the ensemble...


All Edutopia pieces

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